Come get these great steals and deals for a limited time! Items added to this area daily!
Up to 75% off!
(x1) Crape Myrtle (mystery color) 7 gal price was $45.00 now $25.00
(x2) Nandina Firepower 3 gal price was $18.00 now $5.00
(x3) Peony (Mystery Colors) 2 gal was $30.00 now $10.00
(x1) Mahonia bealei 3 gal was $18.00 now $8.00
(x1) Ligustrum Curly Leaf 3 gal was $18.00 now $5.00
(x1) Distylium Emerald Heights 3gal was $24.00 now $12.00
(x1) Distylium Blue Cascade 3 gal was $24.00 now $12.00
(x1) Juniper Sergeants 3 gal was 18.00 now $8.00
(x2) Yew Drupacea 3 gal was $30.00 now $10.00
(x2) Yew Drupacea 3 gal was 30.00 now $5.00
(x2) Spirea Bridal Wreath 3 gal was $18.00 now $5.00
(x2) Abelia Little Richard 3 gal was $24.00 now $5.00
(x3) Beauty Bush 3 gal was $18.00 now $5.00
(x10) Waxleaf Privet 3 gal was $17.00 now $10.00
(x1) Fosters Holly 7 gal was $45.00 now $15.00
(x1) Osmanthus Fortunes 7 gal was $50.00 now $20.00
(x2) Hinoki Cyrpress 3 gal was $30.00 now $12.00
(x5) Leyland Cypress 7 gal was $45.00 now $20.00
(x1) Italian Cypress 3 gal was $25.00 now
(x4) Ligustrum Recurve 7 gal was $45.00 now $10.00
(x1) Cleyara jap. 7gal was $45.00 now $20.00
(x2) Viburnum Mariesii 7gal was $45.00 now $ 20.00
(x3) Indian Hawthorn white 7 gal was $45.00 now $25.00
(x2) Dwf Yaupon Holly 7 gal was $45.00 now $20.00
(x1) Anise 3 gal was $18.00 now $8.00
(x8) Anise 7 gal was $45.00 now $15.00
(x2) Willow Oak 25 gal was $145.00 now $90.00
(x1) Trident maple 15 gal was $90.00 now $60.00
(x1) Kwanson Cherry tree 15 gal was $95.00 now $50.00
(x1) October Glory Maple 15 gal was $85.00 now $45.00
(x1) Gardenia 7 gal was $45.00 now $15.00
(No warranty on Clearance priced items)