
Having a lawn irrigation system not only helps your lawn, but ultimately saves your money. No more water loss and feeding your lawn count not be simpler with automation. Living Landscapes has acquired Irrigation technologies and a large knowledge of the industry. Kevin Mansfield started Irrigation Technologies over twenty years ago. For the last twenty years, Irrigation Technologies, has maintained and installed thousands of irrigation systems in and around the Alamance County area. They were, by far, the premier irrigation and outdoor lighting company, in Alamance County. We are very fortunate to have him and his team of employees become part of the Living Landscapes family. Since 1982 we have been your local full service landscape company and this is just another way we are striving to serve our community better by the addition of Kevin and his knowledgeable team. Over the years we have worked together on numerous installation projects and shared many maintenance customers. This acquisition is only strengthening those relationships and allowing us to better serve you. We look forward to building new relationships with existing Irrigation customers and to introducing our customers to our new team.  This is exciting for Living Landscapes Inc. and all of our customers and we look forward to continuing to serve your maintenance, installation, outdoor living, irrigation, and lighting needs. No more forgetting to water to over watering you lawn. We offer a full overview and plan to get your lawn looking it's best. We also provide sprinkler and irrigation repair for older systems and additions to your existing systems. Call us for an evaluation and plan today. Your lawn will thank you!